Terms & Conditions

Last updated: March 12, 2024

This website, www.maestrosurgical.com (this “Site”), is maintained and operated by Maestro Surgical Robotics Ltd. (“Maestro Surgical”, “We” or “Us”). Please carefully read these terms and conditions (these “Terms”), as they constitute a legally binding agreement between you and Maestro Surgical. By accessing or using this Site, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to these Terms.

Materials and No Warranties. All materials on this Site, including but not limited to any text, data, graphics, articles, photos, images, illustrations, videos, audios, and other materials (“Materials”), are provided “as is,” and may not be relied upon for any purpose. Maestro Surgical makes no express or implied warranties regarding the Materials, including but not limited to warranties of accuracy, completeness, non-infringement, or suitability for a particular purpose.

Prohibited Use. We reserve all rights to the design and content of this Site. You may not misappropriate the design or content of this Site, nor may you modify or damage such design or content in any way. Nothing on this Site grants any license with respect to such design or content. If you download or otherwise obtain any content from this Site, you do so at your own risk and responsibility for any risks and losses that may arise, including any loss of profit, business interruption, or loss of information, plans, or other data in your information processing system.

Privacy Policy. No Confidential Obligations. In the course of using this Site, you may provide us with certain information. Maestro Surgical also collects information through automated data collection tools (including cookies) during your visit to this Site, such as your IP address and click clickstream behavior. Maestro Surgical’s use of any information you provide through this Site shall be subject to these Terms and our Privacy Policy (available here). You acknowledge and agree that you are fully responsible for the accuracy and content of the information provided by you. Unless otherwise expressly provided in our Privacy Policy, Maestro Surgical has no obligation of confidentiality, non-use, or non-disclosure with respect to any information submitted to Maestro Surgical, nor does it have any obligation to review or return such information. Please do not provide any information that you consider proprietary or commercially confidential, or information that you wish to be treated as confidential. In no event shall Maestro Surgical be limited in, or restricted from, the pursuit of any opportunities, either alone or in collaboration with third parties, as a result of our receipt of any information provided by you.

Third-Party Websites. We accept no responsibility for third-party websites available through this Site, via hyperlink or otherwise. You are encouraged to review the terms of use applicable to those websites. The existence of any such links to these third-party websites does not constitute an endorsement of such websites or the contents thereof. In no event shall Maestro Surgical be liable, directly or indirectly, to anyone for any loss or damage arising from or as a result of the creation or use of such links or the information or material accessed through these links.

Disclaimer. You are solely responsible for any disputes arising from or related to your access, login, or use of this Site (including but not limited to any information, data, or other content submitted or posted on this Site) and any damages, losses, liabilities, costs, and expenses (“Losses”) incurred thereby. Unless otherwise mandated by applicable law, Maestro Surgical shall not be liable for any such Losses and shall have the right to seek compensation from you for its own Losses.

General Information. You should take responsibility for your actions in accessing and using this Site, and comply with all local laws and regulations in your region. These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and us regarding the access and use of this Site, and supersede all prior agreements relating to this subject matter.

Updates. Maestro Surgical reserves the unilateral right to modify or update these Terms in whole or in part at any time. Any modifications or updates shall take effect immediately upon posting on this Site. Your use of this Site after the modification or update of these Terms constitutes your acceptance of the modified or updated terms.


(1) In any event where any part of these Terms is not enforced, it shall not be deemed as a waiver by Maestro Surgical of the rights conferred by these Terms.

(2) These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the People’s Republic of China. Any disputes arising from these Terms shall be submitted to the competent court in the jurisdiction where Maestro Surgical is located for litigation resolution.

Contact Us. If you have any questions regarding these Terms, please contact us at info@maestrosurgical.com.